Courtesy images by-freepik.com
Search engine optimization is the process of obtimising our website or webpages acc to search engine to increase the visibility of website.
How Search Engine Work
Every search engine has three primary components:
1. Crawling : Web crawlers are programs that browse the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner.
2. Indexing : Indexing is the process of storing and organizing the content found during the crawling process.
3. Ranking : Search engine ranking is one of the most important factors that influence the success of a website.
How Search Engine Work Crawling , Indexing , Ranking
Search Engine is a web - based tooks that enable user to locate information on world wide web.
"search engine of utilised by automated software application"
Like - Crawler , Bots , Robots , Spiders , user agents - that travels along the website , checking your content , links image , site to site , page to page.
The information gathered by crawler is used to creat is searchable index of the site also called indexer.
What is a search engine Crawling
Web crawling is a process where a program visits websites and extracts the links contained within them. The program then adds any new found links to its list and crawls them as well, repeating this process until all reachable pages have been discovered.
When a web crawler visits a website, they will take note of the code and the text on the page. They will then crawl the website to see if there is any new or updated content. If there is new or updated content, then the crawler will add it to their list of links and continue crawling.
Crawling is a process that begins with a list of web addresses pulled from past crawls or queries from web users and then visits each URL, extracting the code and content. This information is then added to a database which can be searched later.
What is a search engine Indexing
Indexing is important for improving the speed of search results. If a search engine can find relevant documents more quickly, users can get the information they need more quickly.
Indexing is the process by which websites are organized so that they can be more easily found by a search engine. This is done by storing all the information found on the website, such as text, images, and videos, so that it can be accessed by a search engine when someone types in a query.
What is a search engine Ranking
Ranking is one of the most important factors that influence the success of a website or blog. It can be used to determine where a site stands in the search engine results pages (SERPs), which in turn can help to increase traffic and website traffic. The following are some factors that can affect a site’s ranking:
• The quantity and quality of the content on the site
• How frequently the site is updated
• The quality of the site’s backlink profile
• The site’s technical abilities, such as its server load and page speed
Jai Jaiswal
Saturday, 19 November 2022
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