SEO Salaries 2023: Industry Growth & Average Salary Many New SEO Professionals

The growth of SEO as a career is reflected in SEO wages reported for 2023.

More than half of survey respondents, according to the State of SEO report results, have never used digital marketing before.

Increased reporting of entry-level salaries indicates the intake of new professionals and the expansion of the industry.

SEO Specialist Industry Growth

A higher proportion of respondents who answered to the survey than in 2022 said they were new to the industry.

32.7% of poll participants said they had between two and four years of experience, while 28.7% said they had less than two years.

According to this figure, 61.4% of respondents had less than four years' experience in SEO.

Greater SEO experience was reported by fewer SEO specialists (percentage-wise), with the smallest group reporting the greatest years of experience.

Percentage Of SEO Pros With More Experience

  • 25.5% said they have five to ten years of experience.
  • 10.1% said they have 11 to 20 years of experience.
  • 3% of respondents said they have 20 years or more of SEO experience.

Average Salary In SEO

Entry-level SEOs made less than $34,000 on average annually. The total number of entry-level SEO experts earning this pay rate increased by 7.5% from 2022 to the present, showing that this level of the SEO sector is experiencing the fastest development.

Decrease In SEO Earnings At The High End

Entry-level occupations increased, but those reporting higher earnings witnessed minor declines.

The medium, higher middle, and high ends of the SEO pay scale had fewer SEO specialists reporting wages in those ranges.

Decreases In Higher Earning SEO Specialists

The following income categories for SEO experts declined:

  • Those making between $35,000 and $49,000 saw a 1.9% decline.
  • A 3.12% drop in income for those making between $50,000 and $74,000.
  • 1.97% less people making $100,000–$150,000.
  • A 1.53% decline in those making between $150,000 and $200,000
  • Reduction of 0.51% for individuals making over $200,000

The rise in income for people making between $75,000 and $99,999 grew by 1.05%.

These facts do not essentially prove that SEO pay has decreased. They are not actual figures but rather percentages.

The reason is that there were a staggering 27.68% growth in entry-level SEO employment. That means that, when represented as a percentage, the other income categories will naturally reflect a smaller amount unless they also undergo similar development.

However, it demonstrates rise in entry-level SEO positions, which may point to a good degree of sector growth.

Where Are SEO Pros Getting Their Start?

The salary of SEO experts can vary depending on years of experience. But the pay rates depend highly on the demand for SEO talent in any given region.

Jobs in SEO are a well-known career choice for highly educated university graduates in various nations, such as Pakistan. Because of this, finding a job is quite difficult.

On the other hand, there is less job competition in other nations, such as Australia. There, SEO knowledge is more in demand, making higher-paying employment available to those with less experience.

According to the analysis, the highest-paying jobs for SEO specialists with less expertise are typically found in nations with expanding economies and strong currencies.

According to the poll, career opportunities for SEO specialists with less expertise are typically found in economically vibrant nations with strong currencies.

Earnings for SEOs with under five years of expertise can reach $99,000.

31% of individuals making between $75,000 and $99,000 per year reported having two years or less of experience, while 34% had between two and four years.

Similar trends relating to experience are discernible among people making less than $34,000 annually.

Is SEO A High Paying Job?

At least 30% of roles paying $75,000 to $99,000 in 2022 will go to digital marketers with less than two years of expertise, making SEO a generally well-paid profession. In 2022, SEO will continue to be a lucrative industry, with more independent freelancers (44.5%) reporting higher pay rates in relation to their degrees of expertise than those who work in-house.

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